Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Satoshi Kon 1963-2010

*How incredibly sad. I loved Paprika and Tokyo Godfathers and was looking forward to his next picture. Here's his obit in today's Times.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Kurosawa Centennial

There's an Akira Kurosawa centennial celebration being held all through the month of August at Cinéma du Parc and we're going to go see Seven Samurai on Saturday, which I've never seen. I'm excited and anxious at once - I want to LOVE it because if I don't, it's not the kind of thing you can admit, now is it? Sort of like telling anyone who will listen that YOU HATE ALL OF ALMODOVAR's movies...
Note * I am most definitely not equating one director to the other btw.
Update: Just started Yoshida's Villain - so far, so good my friends.
Update #2 I LOVED Seven Samurai! It was funny and sarcastic - perfect. Villain was a great read, but so sad...
Akira Kurosawa,
philip gabriel,
shuichi yoshida
Friday, August 6, 2010
Shuichi Yoshida's Villain

Shuichi Yoshida is being billed as the new Stieg Larsson by the WSJ. Read the article here. The book in question, Villain, has been made into a movie and will be shown at the Montreal International film fest in September. I've just ordered the book on Amazon... Will let you know my thoughts as soon as I've read it.
In the meantime, in other Japan-related news, let's all get together and try to coerce Evokative Films (using charm - nothing kinky please) into distributing Yoshihiro Nakamura's films on DVD here in Canada.
Evokative Films Website.
Their Facebook page.
We saw Fish Story and Golden Slumber this summer and were completely hooked. We want more!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Neko Ramen!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
New Dominique Fortin paintings @ Galerie Saint-Dizier

In the next two or three years - after we've traveled some more - I am going to buy my first piece of art. It will be a Dominique Fortin painting for sure. I find her work hopeful - a reprieve from the often shitty world we live in.
Her website here.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Fuck you BP

I’ve just seen pictures of what the BP oil spill is doing to the wildlife in Louisana and Alabama – birds, dolphins, sea turtles, and on, and on. It's absolutely heartbreaking. Nauseating. I’m so angry I can’t breathe.
Why should innocent people and even more, innocent animals (they don't *need* to own any goddamn cars last time I checked) pay for the stupid and greedy losers who let this happen? How exactly should BP and its employees be punished? And what about Haliburton, who did the cementing job on the well? Is sending them to prison enough? Forcing them into bankrupcy certainly isn't. How about identifying the motherfuckers responsable for sleeping on the job by straying from standard industry practices and charging them with a felony? Let's make their faces PUBLIC and their lives HELL. Let's drag them to court and have a jury of their peers JUDGE them.
It’s going to take years and years to clean this up. Millions of animals will have been killed, thousands of jobs lost. Obama and Attorney General Holder MUST prosecute the criminals responsible. Any other alternative would unacceptable.
This is precisely why I prefer animals to humans. Unfortunately, they ALWAYS end up getting screwed. What a sick world we live in.
I can find solace in one thing: in a couple of years from now, when we dumbass humans will have poisoned ourselves to death and will have eliminated ourselves from the planet, animals will be able to roam free yet again, and with a little luck Earth will have healed herself from our brutal passage.
In the meantime - at the risk of repeating myself - Fuck You British Petroleum. May you burn in hell. Or better yet, may you drown in oil.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
My Liberty Scarf

With a little luck we’ll be going to New York City in July, and so, well obviously, I’ll be going to Purl Soho! I'd like to purchase these fabrics to make a Luxury Liberty Scarf as seen the Purl Bee... Seeing as I’ll be an expert once I've taken the Sew Basics workshop at Emeline & Annabelle and all... How hard can it be to sew a square?! (See last blogpost).
Anyways, here’s hoping we get to make that July trip to the Big Apple! And maybe – just maybe – I’ll pick up this Charley Needlepoint Canvas:

Or this one:

And perhaps this yellow tote from The Strand:

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Manchego Cheese, Quince, and Walnut Crostini

Off to the Market to buy some bread and some Manchego cheese - this is all I want to eat all week.
Is quince coings in French?
Recipe over at Brooklyn Farmhouse.
Emeline and Annabelle Couture Café

Emeline and Annabelle's is a new sewing café/lounge in town where you can sip coffee while finishing your projects (with or without help). They also sell beautiful quilting cottons, and offer sewing workshops.
Little sister Isa and I will attending 'Sew Basics' in June (I got lucky and won a free workshop for 2)! Montreal's West Side desperately needed a craft lounge like this (in addition to Mouliné Yarns, Ariadne Knits and Effiloché, who all rock). Purl Soho eat your heart out!
Their Flickr account has great photos.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Bushed. No Typo.
I am so sore from painting our kitchen, cleaning our lovely Korean neighbour's bathroom last night because I let my tub overflow, restraining an incredibly neurotic dog who freaked out at the vet's this morning, and packing boxes and yet more boxes... I feel broken! So tired I can't even write a haiku about it - now that's tired. Pew. I mean that - Pew, not Phew. Not a typo.
Anyhow, overtaxed and watching Extract, which is weirdly neither good nor bad... Or maybe I'm just bushed ;-)
Anyhow, overtaxed and watching Extract, which is weirdly neither good nor bad... Or maybe I'm just bushed ;-)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Overweight Hedgehogs Go On A Diet

When you find yourself unable to roll up into a tight little ball, you know it's time to cut back on the fat & sugars. Read more here.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
All Set For Fall!
Horaire détaillé Automne 2010
** Registered for fall classes this morning. I am ready to go and looking forward to September after a semester off - I'm bored!
CRI1511G Délinquance et facteurs criminogènes (3 cr.)
Section A
THÉORIE Mer. 19:00 22:00 1 sept. - 8 déc.
CRI3900G Justice des mineurs (3 cr.)
Section A
THÉORIE Jeu. 19:00 22:00 2 sept. - 9 déc.
** Registered for fall classes this morning. I am ready to go and looking forward to September after a semester off - I'm bored!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Sumo Ramen Does the Trick
Friday, April 2, 2010
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